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When MLK Day of Service Becomes a Movement

There's something inspiring about seeing people from different walks of life come together for a common cause greater than themselves.  This year's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service has inspired me and left me unable to write at the same time because of the enormity of what happened in our small community - MLK Day of Service in St. Augustine has become a movement.  As a writer, I am not one for crowds and being in the spotlight, but I often find myself in situations where it is necessary because of the causes I want to support or get involved with. When this happens, it is preceded by sleepless nights and lots of planning, and afterward I truly just want to decompress by writing, reading, or spending time in the garden or at the beach. Sometimes that's impossible. A few years ago, my children started a local nature society to get help cleaning our community's trash-littered streets and ditches. It started out slowly with just a neighbor or two showing up for ...

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